
Person Centered Therapy Reflection

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referenced to early childhood memories. She mentions that she was a slow developer when it came to her speech but her ability to read was high. This can explain some of her introvert characteristics that she displays. As the session continues to get deeper into finding the source of Taylor’s problem, she mentions that her moving around all her life has made her unable to connect to others and feel that she has nothing in common with those her age.
In assessing the client it would seem that she would view the world as against to not understanding who she is. She is aware that her communication skills are not where they should be and feels that with counseling it will help here to convey her feeling to her family and also to help with building …show more content…

She mentions. In order for me to relate to Taylor she need to feel that I am just as human as she is regardless of the fact that I am a 26 year old women of a different cultural background than herself. To do this I can disclose small pieces of information about my youth to her. Her issues are being maintained because of the one friend that she was able to build a relationship with. Even though this friendship is separated my miles this shows the ability to build a relationship and for it to be successful. I feel that the Person-Centered Therapy will give Taylor the opportunity to find her own solution to building relationships since it has already been done before. Another goal is to rebuild the lost communication that may be lost between the family without stepping on the toes of their religion and the relationship that they have. The therapy that I plan to use allows me to show Taylor that she has control over the things that occur as well as to encourage these thoughts so that she becomes self-aware of her own self and not allow her surroundings to determine her …show more content…

With this revealing evidence I now have to consider the relationship between her and her parents and how they may be viewed under her Jewish religion. Being in a heterosexual relationship as well as being of a different religion I know I need to be mindful to the way that I handle the session. So to move through the counseling session not that we have identified one of Taylors issues we can build from there. She can with in herself learn to find solutions to deal with how she communicates with her family. Once she finds her solution then she may be able to when ready disclose the relationship that she developed some time ago. Once these in house issues are resolved then I believe she can find ways to interact with others and build new relationships. I do feel that talking with her parents will help in reducing the anxiety she feel when communicating. Once that issue is decreased then her depression should also decrease and allow other relationships to

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