
Persian War Vs Greek War Essay

Decent Essays

The Smaller Giant
“The Greek soldier, above all, fought with the most courage” (Hitler). Ancient Greece, a flourishing civilization based on warring and artisticism, rose to challenges and overcame impossible odds. These traits were exhibited during the Persian Wars, a series of battles between the Persian Empire and the major city-states of Ancient Greece. Despite fighting with a mere eleven thousand men vs an elephantine Persian army of over two million soldiers, the Greeks persevered and triumphed over the opposing force. The Greeks were superior to the Persian during the Persian Wars because of their strong wit, incredible militarism, and great appreciation for the arts.
Ancient Sparta, a city-state formed and bred on the basis of a warrior society, was one reason the Greeks conquered the Persians. As young men the Spartan boys would all go to military camp to become a soldier (Andrews). Intense and lifelong military training produces the most efficient warriors on the planet. Though the numbers may have been few compared to the Persian army, the untrained and cowardly Persian archers and swordsmen. Also in Sparta, the children were ritualistically beaten and flogged. Though this may seem …show more content…

These enlightenments included war tactics, life lessons, religions, and religious guides (Lake). Though the Persian Empire lay prodigious compared the Greek territory, their entire system was based off of slavery. No common language, religion, battle plan, or friendships were shared in the empire, and that severely damaged any chance that Persia had for a victory of any sorts. Also, because of the overflowing language barrier, the soldiers would charge and fire arrows at random times, giving the Greek infantry openings to attack. The leadership of slaves and the warring of slaves of different origins killed Persia’s leaders and hopes of

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