
Persepolis Character Analysis

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In the graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, the protagonist, Marji is a rebellious child, showing us that she wants to be rid of childhood and have the freedom that an adult has. She does all kinds of things to spite the people around her. Despite her beliefs, acting like is mature will not make her mature. She wants to be free from the societal standards and the tight grip of her parents so that she can do whatever she wants. Marji, because of her rebellion as a child, has an overwhelming desire to shed her childhood, which actually draws her further from doing so.
Marji often rebells and does things that she was told not to do because she is a child, showing that she wants to be free of childhood. She thinks that doing these things is a sign of maturity but in reality, it is the opposite. When Marji’s maid falls in love, she wants to help out, thinking that this will bring her closer to adulthood. She only thinks in the moment and does not think about what will happen to her if her parents find out. “So I wrote the letters for her. One each week for six months.” (35). She is doing this because she wants to show that she is capable of doing more than her parents want her to do. She is aware that her parents would punish her if they find out but she has no regard for the consequences. She doesn’t know that writing these letters is not the right thing to do, as it brings false hope into the minds of those involved. Another example of Marji doing the wrong thing is

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