
Persepolis: A Synthesis Essay

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For decades, Iran has been known to have conflicts with their people. One girl named Marjane Satrapi shared her story for us to have greater understanding of her culture. As a result, Marjane’s culture went from being rebellious to following the fundamentalist. Furthermore, Marjane’s culture could not dress as western. Moreover, listening to music and partying was less common in Iran due to the strict environment. In Persepolis, Marjane’s culture identity is western culture but she is forced to change her appearance, changing the way they celebrate a party, and less of a social activist. During the revolution of Iran, some Iranians did not like the idea of the Shah returning to the throne. This cause Marjane’s parents and other Iranians to protest because the Shah did not deserve to be in power again. I see this as a change for Marjane because she wanted to protest with her parents but her parents did not allow her due to how dangerous it is. Satrapi states, “And even in one magazine in Iran. My mother was really scared. Have you seen this? Don’t worry, darling. She dyed her hair, and wore dark glasses for a long time” …show more content…

The other type was the fundamentalist who would eventually make Iran stricter. During the Iran-Iraq war, Marjane’s parents needed to sneek things that were western because Iran was against it. I say that Marjane did not care about the way she dress, but she would almost get trouble for it. Satrapi states, “Their job was to put us back on the straight and narrow by explaining the duties of Muslim women. Why are you wearing these “punk” shoes? What punk shoes?”(Persepolis, 133). Marjane’s main identity had effects on her life because she was not allowed to be herself. The guardians of revolution only got her because her identity did not match their identity. Dressing or listening to music from Western countries was like a crime in her

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