
Performance Review : Annual Performance Reviews

Better Essays

It’s that time of year where employees gather eagerly to receive their annual performance reviews! Oh wait, that doesn’t happen for you either? The thing about annual performance reviews is that no one enjoys or appreciates them. This is because a performance review conducted annually encompasses a year’s worth of work for a manager to judge, while neatly explaining their assessments within a few bullet points. Given that a lot can happen in one year’s time, it’s not an efficient use of time or productivity for all involved. In addition, it’s been documented that employees have left due to poorly conducted performance reviews, and truthfully, who can blame them? We aren’t the only ones who feel this way as leading companies are overlooking convention to change the game of performance reviews. Down with the ranking systems Fortune 500 companies have long implemented a rank and file system to which employees are assigned a number as to where they stack up within the company. This issue is that if employees rank 30-60 all have the same work output and favorable reviews, organizations are not able to accurately assess where they stand. For this reason, Accenture has done away with the system. Here’s what CEO Pierre Nanterme said about the transition. “We’re done with the famous annual performance review, where once a year I’m going to share with you what I think about you. That doesn’t make any sense. We’re going to evaluate you in your role, not vis a vis someone else who

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