
Pursuit Of Perfection Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Hello, Taylor. I agree that most people are striving towards perfection. Not all, but most. Hicks & McCracken (2010), state that some of our shoulds can actually be helpful to us. For example, if an individual believes that they should always help others and strive to provide encouragement rather than criticisms, they will most likely have better relationships with other individuals, especially within the workplace. The problem occurs when the shoulds that we have become extremes, whether directed towards ourselves or others. If an individual believes that they should always be outgoing, but in reality can not handle the crowds, they are likely to become unhappy with themselves for having those feelings. Another example is if the individual thinks that other people should never become agitated when talking about different problems, but they, in fact, do become agitated, that individual may feel resentment and anger toward that person. …show more content…

I feel as though I should be comfortable in new situations around people, but the reality is that I'm not. I also force myself to adventure into these types of situations on purpose. It does not always work, and often I feel incredibly uncomfortable and angry with myself for not being able to handle it. I am also envious of others who can navigate their social life so easily. This is another example of shoulds that are extreme. The fact that I become angry with myself for not being able to handle these situations is proof that my shoulds are not flexible enough in this

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