
Perfect Crime Research Paper

Decent Essays

A crime is “an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the state or federal governments” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Violent crimes, such as murder, rape, and robbery, have been on a steady incline since 2010. According to reports, there were an estimated 1,197,704 violent crimes committed around the nation in 2015. Among those, 15,696 were murder. When most people think of murder, they believe it happens, police investigate, the killer is found and thrown in prison. However, this is not always the case. Hundreds of cases go unsolved every year. When this happens, the killer is getting away with murder. Essentially, getting away with murder is the “perfect crime”. Here is an example of how to commit the perfect crime.
What: Murder
When: Summer of 2017
Where: George's at the Cove restaurant in La …show more content…

I suggest planning a business trip, and book your hotel through a fake name. After you plan your trip, you will need to get the items you will use to conceal your identity. This is a crucial step as you do not want to be connected with the murder in any way. You will need to buy two real hair lace-front wigs, an all black pantsuit, black heels, two different sets of colored contacts, glasses, and thick gloves. You will also need to install a state of the art encryption software on your computer, laptop, and phone, this will be used later. Furthermore, before your trip you will need to arrange a rental car that is all black and has tinted windows for one day, and you will need to arrange another rental car, from a different company, that is a more normal looking car for one day as well, and make a fake ID that is a government official that works for the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Additionally, before you leave you will need to hack into the restaurants security cameras to find out where they are placed and to learn when the receive shipments of

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