
Perceval Alternate Ending

Decent Essays

Lying in bed, Perceval blinked his eyes open. The bright morning sunlight filtering into the bedchamber had woken him. He gazed out the window at the azure-blue sky, then turned to face his sleeping wife and smiled. She snored lightly and Perceval found that adorable. However, at the sound of Perceval’s stomach rumbling, Joan woke with a start, her expression groggy and confused. “Oh, I’d forgotten where I was for a moment,” she said, stretching out her arms above her head, yawning. “But what was that sound?” “My stomach calling for food,” Perceval told her with a grin. “I have the entire day off today, no duties whatsoever until tomorrow, thank goodness. Would you care to go the market for breakfast?” “That sounds like a good idea, but there’s …show more content…

It had just opened, but was already swarmed with people. “She’s my favorite. I love her breads and spreads.” Joan all but dragged Perceval over to the stall, and they purchased a variety of loaves and crocks of spreads, then went off to sit down beneath the shade of a tree at the edge of the market. Joan withdrew a napkin from her sack and spread out the food on the cloth, describing each offering as she went along. “These breads are dense and delicious. They’re all filled with nuts and fruits. Sometimes, she bakes cheese breads, usually around autumn, and those are incredible.” She cut slices off of one loaf and slathered the pieces in rich honey butter, then topped it off with a berry spread. She thrust a thick slice at Perceval. “You’re very excited about these breads,” he said with a chuckle. “I am! You’ll see. And every so often, she gets lemons from a merchant and makes a lemon jam. It’s the most delicious thing ever. Have you ever had …show more content…

“No! It’s far too costly.” “No it isn’t. But I’m buying it either way, so if you don’t wear it, I’ll be forced to,” Perceval offered with a smile. “That would never fit around your neck. You’d be lucky if it fit around your wrist.” “True. Then I suppose you’d better wear it.” Perceval completed the transaction with the merchant then tied the new gift around his wife’s neck. “How does it look?” she asked. “Not bad, but you’re far more beautiful than any necklace,” Perceval teased, then bent down to kiss Joan right in the middle of the marketplace. His kiss was punctuated by a few whistles and shouts of approval from passers-by. Perceval stepped back and glanced at Joan again. Forget the silly necklace; he wanted to press his lips to the creamy-white skin of her throat and keep kissing, lower and lower. He pictured himself pleasing her orally again, being pleased orally, and yes, having her right up against a wall. Gods, she was the most alluring creature ever, and he wanted her every moment of every day. Gawain would approve of these thoughts,

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