Perception checking is a three-step process that consists of describing the behavior you noticed, thinking of any possible way to understand the behavior; and then ask for clarification. This is a great tool to help comprehend others correctly, instead of assuming that your first interpretation is the correct one. Using this technique can be a way of decreasing defensive actions in the other person. Furthermore, since you are not attacking the actual person, you would just be asking for clarification. Better understanding someone can prevent arguments, or altercations that can cause a disturbance in any relationship. These benefits that come from perception checking are avoiding misunderstanding and better communication.
When people perception check, it essentially has nothing to do with your point of view or even your personal opinion of a certain topic. Simply, perception checking is showing someone that they are important to you and that you would want to do everything you could to make sure that you understand them clearly. Once an American educator, businessman, and keynote speaker, Stephen Covey states, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Therefore, when you want to truly understand a person it will shows respect, but also it will allow you to learn more about what is important to another. Perception checking is not just about receiving clarification about your assumption, but it is about receiving full attention and understanding of another
The connections I anticipate my group members will make as a result of this question is to experiences that they have underestimated people by how the look, not how they truly are. They might think that someone is incapable of a task until they're proven wrong. This can also relate to the quote “Never judge a book by its cover”. It means to never make something or someone feel smaller or less important than they actually are, as in this saying it is the book. You never know how the book really is, by just looking at the cover. Additionally, connections I foresee my group will create based on the critical thinking question made is to the book “Cue for Treason” by Geoffrey Trease since all group members were in that group. In the book, underestimation was one of the several themes represented. This is to the character Burbage. Burbage thought that Kit was ten
Reading from week 3 threaded discussions. I learned Perception plays such a vital role in effective communication this is what helps us to understand what others are saying. Also with any form of communication, we bring into it our own personalities and self-worth, but our environment or culture also plays a part in processing perceptions. This is usually where people need to pay careful attention to avoid the possibility of offending others. How each of us was raised and the culture in which we were brought up varies significantly from place to place. Factor in our self-worth, past experiences, and expectations and our perceptions can become even more blurred. Unfortunately, many of us may also carry the same perceptions throughout our lives leading to the stereotyping of others. All too often people are generalized based on
In life, what we perceive tends to show misconception in how the thought plays out. A good example would be the character Jay Gatsby in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s American classic: The Great Gatsby. Gatsby was unable to distinguish between his love for Daisy, a reality, versus the illusion that he could recapture her love by establishing and inventing a fraudulent past. He believed he could repeat the past, and acquire a flaunting wealth. In the novel, Jay Gatsby seems incompetent in establishing a difference between the realities of his life versus the illusion he made out.
Self-perception is something which can definitely harm anybody. In today’s world, there are many people who like the idea of just aiming for the conclusion and who don’t even think of what the consequences might be, they never even think of how the thing that they are doing might affect others. This can usually occur in many places like high schools. Students say stuff about their friends(rumors) which might usually hurt somebody else. These people are always dodging the reality and are never even thinking about the future. Making such sort of decisions about someone is ridiculous. “Point of View” is something which should be taken into account. Without knowing anyone and assuming who they are is not only wrong but is also hurtful. It’s like assuming someone's race or assuming how much they earn or simply just accusing someone of being a criminal without even knowing the reality. The idea is not to harm anybody and that's what leaders like Gandhi or Mother Teresa do, they are people with a very clear point of view. One should never have a fixed perception of anything because having a fixed perception kills anybody who has one.
inferences and judgements about people and sometimes forget that it is our own viewpoint that
An important part of gaining understanding of other perceptions is acknowledging that what a person takes away from a particular event can be different from another’s view of the same event. People make judgements of others based on the past and if past instances are negative then present situations and the people involved will be judged in a negative light.
Perceptions is what we as individuals understand from the information we are given, what we think we see and know vs what another sees towards the same object or person. But something we must always keep in mind is the stigmas we have aren’t always true.
A friend of mine promised me that she would go out with me for some coffee on Sunday. On Sunday she did not reply to my text or call me back.
We learnt that people should not be using shortcut to judge others such as selective perception which is a perceptual filtering process based on interests, background and attitude. Another shortcut in judging others is stereotyping which is judging someone on the
Perception checking is a cooperative approach to communication that provides accuracy instead of assuming our first interpretation is correct. It minimizes defensiveness through face saving and requires both nonverbal and verbal elements to match. The benefits of perception checking is to help us have a better understanding of a message, so both persons can mutually relate and to reduce conflict so we don 't jump to conclusions. In the perception process reality is constructed in two ways. The first order realities is physically observable qualities of a thing or situation. For example, if your friend calls you a “bone head”. On the other hand, second order realities cannot reside in objects or events but rather in our minds. It involves our attaching meaning to first order things or situations. For instance, your friend is being critical is an example of second order realities. Perception checking has three parts: description, interpretation, and clarification. Description is describing a behavior that was noticed. Interpretation is providing interpretations of the behavior, Lastly, ask for clarification from the person about the behavior and interpretations. These three parts are important because they help an individual how to prevent assuming something that is probably not the intention of the other person which is why clarification is needed in a situation like this. It is better to gather more information about the situation then to think the
No matter how open-minded a person may claim to be, everyone makes presumptions on first impressions or rumors. Despite seeing someone for only a split second, people make assumptions about others’ attitude, personality, and character! Usually, people tend to notice things that they feel are grounds to pass judgment upon. The quote “ You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it” by Harper Lee is a quote that truly signifies how people should perceive others. Rather than judging someone, people should place themselves in their shoes and try to understand their way of thinking
Perception is the process of individuals interpreting their impressions to give meaning to their environment. The concept of perceptual errors is how a person’s behavior is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself. Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. The attribution process guides our behaviour, regardless of the truth of the attribution.
Perception is defined as how you look at others and the world around you. Being able to select, organize and intercept information starts the perceptual process. Perception affects the way people communicate with others. An individual’s pattern of thinking can affect their perception of others. Most people communicate best with people of similar cultures.
Perception is the process of making meaning from people. Misperception would be to perceive someone incorrectly.
People often judge or misperceive others appearances in a less than equal manner before they even know the true nature of the person. Every day we make assumptions by what we can see physically. Even in the supermarkets, we distinguish good products from bad products based on how they look. We are apt to choose good-looking products because they don’t have flaws, cracks, and bruises. Moreover, we assume them to have good qualities and good tastes. Actually, taste doesn’t deal with its looking. However, we bias in favor of assuming human nature. Since people judge human beings based on how they look, it is called prejudice. In fact, prejudice just disadvantage