
Perception And Perception Of An Event And It Later Comes True?

Decent Essays

Have you ever had a vision about an event and it later comes true? Have you ever been able to read another individual’s thoughts? If so, you may possess extrasensory perception. Extrasensory perception is the “ability to obtain information about the world around you without using the normal five senses of sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell” (Extrasensory Perception [APA], n.d.). There are many theories on extrasensory perception, including that “all humans have some degree of extrasensory perception and that we involuntarily experience extrasensory perception on several occasions” (Extrasensory Perception [APA], n.d.). In other words, many individuals believe that all humans have the potential for extrasensory perception, but some …show more content…

Joseph Rhine was a professor at Duke University, at the time, where he conducted numerous experiments that concluded the existence of the sixth sense, extrasensory perception. In these experiments, Rhine designed a set of twenty-five cards, later known as Zener cards, that consisted of four different designs: a circle, wave, square, and cross. Two participants were required for this experiment, which included a transmitter and receiver. In an experiment testing telepathy, the transmitter would look at a string of cards while the receiver would try to guess the symbols of the cards. Since each deck of cards contained five cards of each design, each participant has a one in five chance of guessing the pattern on a card. Rhine came to the conclusion that with “random guessing you yield five hits per deck of twenty-five” (Extrasensory Perception [APA], n.d.). Moreover, any individual who was above the level of five hits, possessed some ability of extrasensory perception. When Rhine was testing clairvoyance, the deck of cards was concealed, while the receiver tried to guess the design on the cards. In 1970, Charles Honorton used the Ganzfeld Technique. Honorton’s experiment required two participants, a receiver and a transmitter. The receiver is placed in a room filled with red light with white noise playing in the background, referred to as the Ganzfeld state. The receiver has their eyes covered with halved ping-pong balls,

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