
People Of Color Should Be Treated And Payed The Same

Decent Essays

People of all colors should be treated and payed the same. Why are people of color treated badly anyway, with harsh names and untrusted. We are all people, ones color should not define how they are treated. We are all people, no matter ethnicity. No matter if someone is darker than you, you can treat them as you would treat your friends or family. There should be a new law, where people of color should be treated the same as anyone in the United States.
We are all people, through and through. Nothing can change that, police shouldn’t assume based off of someone's colors that they are up to no good. Police have arrested many innocent people, if someone of color is arrested for something against the law, then yes, they should be arrested. But assuming …show more content…

They have families like us, they think like us, they live the same as us, nothing makes them different except their colors or their looks. We all were made to look different, we tell kids not to bully someone because of their looks, but what they haven’t been taught is not to treat colored people badly. It ties into looks, they look different, their colored, they can’t change that, they can’t control that. Why would we put them down, even though, they’re pretty much the same as us. Just with a different skin tone. They should be trusted more, police and regular citizens shouldn’t put them down for something they had no control over. A new law should be put in place, that people of color should be trusted, not put down. We should love them as we love our families.
African Americans don’t always live in good neighborhoods or have good jobs because some people just won’t hire them. We need to help them, they need to support their families too, they need to feed themselves too, they need to enjoy life too. They are normal people, and we need to treat them as

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