
Attorney Howe's Possible Ethical Violations Summary

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Attorney Howe’s possible Ethical Violations: (MONDAY) Model Rule 5.5(B)- Attorney Howe, left a new hire, Carl, unattended, while also suggesting that he may conduct interviews in his office without specifying particulars regarding his presence or direct supervisory responsibilities. In hindsight, Attorney Howe could be indirectly contributing to the unauthorized practice of law due to his gross negligence to supervise his paralegal. ABA 5.3 (A)(B)(C). – Attorney Howe did not make reasonable efforts to supervise his paralegal. Mr. Howe knew that Carl was inexperienced in the firm as a “new-hire and should have practiced due diligence in his supervisorial duties. Attorney Howe failed to give clear guidelines and did not take immediate …show more content…

EC- 1.7 (A), ABA 1.5(A)- Legal Assistant, Carl, did not introduce himself to Jane as a legal assistant. He simply conducted the interview without properly identifying himself. Jane could have been under the false impression that Carl was also a licensed attorney. Especially since Carl also gave Jane unauthorized legal advice when he advised her about not reporting certain incomes to improve the quality of her case. EC 1.3 (B),(E), ABA 3.4(D)- When Carl asked Jane what her monthly living expenses added up to, as per attorney Howe’s specific instructions to do so, Jane gave an estimate and then suggested that Carl write down a much larger amount so that she could defraud the courts into possibly giving her a larger alimony. Carl assisted in such fraud when he recorded the amount as a fact, knowing that the client had given him false information. EC 1.2 (D)- Carl intentionally recorded the length of the interview with Jane as taking “Two hours” to conduct, when in reality it only took one hour and twenty minutes. ABA 6.1, 1.5 (c), 3.4 (D), Rule 7-102(A)(2) - Carl included questions in his interrogatories to be asked of Jane’s husband which were irrelevant and potentially damaging and embarrassing to his reputation. Attorney Howe’s Possible Ethical Violations: (Wednesday) ABA rule 1.1, 1.3- Attorney Howe did not demonstrate competency when his assistant Carl, whom

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