
Peloponnesian War Essay

Decent Essays

There were two sides to the Peloponnesian War, Sparta and Athens. Athens was the head of the Delian League, and Sparta was the head of the older Peloponnesian League. The war lasted from approximately 460 to 404 BCE. There were two parts of the war. The first lasted from 406 to 446 BCE. The second part, the most important stage, was from 431 to 404 BCE. Both Sparta and Athens were two very powerful forces in Ancient Greece (Cartwright). They never really trusted or liked each other. Even though they united against Persia together, they never could get along. The two city-states had some fights every once in awhile. To help prevent this, they created a treaty in 445 BCE called the Thirty Years’ Peace. Both agreed to have it renewed and checked …show more content…

Some of which included the ongoing rivalry of the two city-states. They both felt intimidated by the other’s growing power. Sparta feared Athens’ naval power and their allies. Second, Sparta was threatened by Athens’ project to reconstruct their Long Wall. It would keep their harbor of Piraeus safe from outside forces. They were also scared that the other dominate city-state, Corinth would align with Athens (Cartwright). Third, a fight between two other city-states, Corcyra and Corinth broke out. Athens decided to helped Corcyra, but Sparta helped Corinth. Sparta chose to try to keep the peace and not go against the treaty at first. To negotiate this, Sparta decided to ask Athens to get rid of the law that one of the people apart of the Peloponnesian League could not trade with Athens. The Delian League rejected this negotiation. Therefore, a message was sent by the Peloponnesian League that said, "Sparta wants peace. Peace is still possible if you will give the Greeks their freedom." Perikles, a politician in Athens, asked the people of the city-state to vote to go to war. He said they were stronger than Sparta because of their powerful navy (Gard). Moreover, a war broke out between Sparta and

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