
Pedophilia In Ancient Greece

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Item #1: I was surprised to learn that the ancient Greeks practiced pederasty and were not considered pedophiles. I never heard of the term pederasty, so I was unaware of the difference. Ancient Greek pederasts were adult males, usually socially prominent, who have an erotic attraction to adolescent boys. These men would take on an adolescent male pupil as a lover. Many pederasts were bisexual because many were married while in homosexual relationships with adolescent boys. These sexual relationships with adolescent boys would not interfere with the boy’s future heterosexual social role. What was really interesting to learn was pedophilia in Ancient Greece was illegal. Pedophilia are paraphilic adults who have sexual interests in children. …show more content…

I never heard of anyone having a sex chromosomal abnormality. Klinefelter syndrome is a rare condition in males that is caused by an extra X sex chromosome. Males with the XXY chromosome pattern do not develop secondary sex characteristics. Males with Klinefelter syndrome have weaker muscles and may develop breast tissue. They are also infertile because they do not produce sperm. Turner syndrome occurs in females and is caused by having only one X sex chromosome. Most females with Turner syndrome do not produce estrogen and progesterone. This causes poorly developed breasts, no onset of menstrual periods, and possible infertility. However, a woman with Turner syndrome can usually carry a baby to term if another woman donates an ovum and it is fertilized in a laboratory dish and implanted inside …show more content…

I thought someone could get syphilis by contacting a surface that an infected person touched. Syphilis is almost always transmitted by unprotected vaginal, oral, anal sexual activity, or from mother to newborn during delivery. It is usually transmitted when open lesions on an infected person come into contact with the mucous membranes or skin abrasions of the partner’s body during sexual activity. It may also be contracted by touching an infectious chancre. In the primary stage of syphilis, a hard, round, ulcer-like lesion appears at the site of infection two to four weeks after contact. A few months later, the secondary stage begins. A skin rash develops that darken after a while and burst, oozing a discharge. The spirochetes continue to multiply and burro into the circulatory system, central nervous system, and bones and may lie dormant for decades. Lastly, in the tertiary stage, large ulcers may form on the skin, liver, digestive organs, muscle tissue, lungs, or other organs which can be

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