
Pediatric Neurology Personal Statement

Decent Essays

There is no question I want to train in pediatric neurology, a complex arena with multiple intersecting facets that has been a long-standing interest.
A 5 year-old female who was initially admitted due to severe status asthmaticus, developed over four days an acute flaccid paralysis involving both upper extremities with associated areflexia and lower extremity sparing; where is the lesion?
This very question encapsulates every aspect of neurology with which I have become fascinated.
This was my very first complicated case during my third year clinical rotations in pediatrics that captivated every one of my senses. I was inspired by the discussions between pediatric neurology, the pediatric critical care intensivists, neuroradiology, infectious …show more content…

During my first and second years, I excelled in anatomy and neurology, to the point when as a third year, I was selected as one of 8 neuroanatomy teaching assistants to teach second year students neuroanatomy and physiology. Neurology was the perfect field in which I was able to use my strengths in hands-on learning and identifying how the structure tied so explicitly with function. I could see more easily the connection between the complex and beautiful architecture that is the nervous system with its intricate function that carries out how our bodies move, feel, and process …show more content…

I was quick to understand that pediatric neurology is not one where there is a fast cure, no single antibiotic to resolve a bacterial sinus infection. Most patients who come seeking care will have chronic, disabling disorders, even something as simple as a headache, and if it’s not chronic, it will have been for an acute etiology that leaves devastating effects. Most importantly, I understand that as a pediatric neurologist, I would be helping people even when there is no cure, a burden to some, but a task I wholeheartedly embrace. My experiences as a teacher already taught me how to persevere approaching complex students coming from different backgrounds whose academic struggles were rooted in family issues; they needed holistic approaches with an array of resources for support. I continue to develop these schools, but I believe my compassion is what sets me apart from other applicants. I not only want to provide the best quality care and treatment options available for these patients, but I also want to be there to communicate with families and bolster their support for my patient. I know this to be crucial in the pursuit of improving recovery and better well-being for patients. I possess the skills necessary to enter this incredible field, and I am the person you want to care for your patients and speak to families and other

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