Protesting has always been involved in the history of America since the founding of this country. America was founded on a protest based solely on the unfair and unjust laws and taxes that Britain forced onto the colonists in the 1700's. However, not all protests end up being peaceful. There are peaceful protests, and there are forceful protests. In my opinion, peaceful protests have a more positive influences a free society. If there are peaceful protest being displayed on news channels or social media, there is a higher chance of that peaceful protest influencing the society in positive ways. More people are going to react to peaceful protesting in positive ways rather than responding by getting hateful and angry. Of course, not everyone reacts positively towards protesting; there …show more content…
The pipeline was going to be placed underground and would go through Native American land which is sacred to the Native American tribe who lives there. There have been many Native American tribes who have peacefully protested in order to draw attention towards the situation. Many celebrities have shown their support for the protests which has resulted in informing more of the public of what is going on in North Dakota. The peaceful protest has resulted in enlightening the country as to what is actually happening on the Native American land. By protesting in a peaceful manner, it allows people to get an understanding of serious situations that they might not have known about. Peaceful protesting is something that gets the point across while not causing anyone harm and brings the attention of issues so people can be educated towards these difficult times that they knew absolutely nothing about. A third protest that went on actually happened last month. The Women's March happened the day after Donald Trump was sworn in as our forty-fifth President in various cities in the United
The Dakota Access Pipeline is a problem for the natives, but obviously not for us Americans. Energy transfer quote that “Some protesters stayed overnight what looked like dog kennels and were let out in the morning”. This is why we need to stop the construction of this pipeline because it could leak and contaminate the water, the pipeline would be going through sacred grounds, and we need to stop the violence against the native protesters.
Not only are Native Americans protesting the pipeline, they are protesting for environmental justice and clean water. Although they have been peaceful, the National Guard hasn’t been. They have been arresting elders in the tribe and tearing down tepees and sweat lodges. In the past, Native Americans standing up for their land has ended gruesomely with massacres, broken treaties and stolen land. It doesn’t have to end that way this time.
Analyse the representations (1,2 and 3E) and choose the one which you think is the best representations of how effective peaceful protest was in securing civil rights in the USA
Standing Rock and Native Americans alike are coming together to protest the build of the pipeline. This issue is important because it is showing how prominent companies and corporate businesses can achieve what they want and treat a group of people terribly. The Native Americans have gone through many tough time throughout history. From the time that this land was called American and the United States the Indians have given up and sacrificed acre after acre. Their land has been ripped from their hands and destroyed. Where a piece of sacred land once used to lay there is now a mall or McDonalds sitting on it. History is disappearing, being erased from this earth because people are selfish and want greed. They just have to have a underground pipeline, instead of putting it on a train. No, this is not how the Native Americans or their sacred land or main water sources should be treated. Their land needs to be treated with respect just as the people should
“For years, the Keystone pipeline has occupied what I frankly consider an over-inflated role in our political discourse,” said Obama (Article 2, Pg. 2). The Keystone and the Dakota pipeline one of two rejected by government administration. Protest still till this day are being held by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, other Native American tribes, and other supporters, to put a stop to the building of the pipeline which carries crude oil through: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois.
Since 2010, there have been “more than 3,000 incidents of leaks and ruptures at oil and gas pipelines” according to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (Worland). The Dakota Access Pipeline has sparked controversy between the U.S. Army of Engineers and Native Americans. With threats of damaging their water supply, cultural land, and impeding a treaty made in 1851, had Native Americans protesting by resisting removal. The threatening impact on Native Americans deemed unconsidered and unheard of by government when they originally planned to build the pipeline through the area. And despite a severe winter storm bringing freezing conditions, protesting Natives remained (Maher and Connors). But why did it have to come to desperate measures that endanger one’s personal safety, just to gain the attention of the government? Native American sovereignty has been repeatedly impeded on, forcing them to take matters into their own hands. Concerning the decision prior to construction, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe claims the federal agency did not appropriately consult them prior to construction (Merrit). Recently, Army Corps have halted the passage of the Dakota Access Pipeline due to their outcry. But if the government had just considered the vote of Native Americans in the first place, the decision could have satisfied everyone who at least got a say
The pipeline not only poses a threat to one of only 326 Native American reservations left in this country, but also to the environment as a whole. Regardless of where you stand, the wrongdoing on the part of the United States Government is undeniable. The Dakota Access Pipeline is corrupt at its core and the dangers surrounding its construction have the potential to be catastrophic to the dwindling Native population by threatening their only source of water. A significant saying within the Sioux tribe, especially in times of protest, is a simple one, but one that is clearly not understood by some, and that is “water is
Residents have come in the hundreds to protest construction of the 1,172-mile Dakota Access oil pipeline. This pipeline would run dangerously close to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation and undercut the Missouri River. Opponents to the pipeline claim it would negatively impact their drinking water and disturb sacred tribal lands. A major oil spill roughly 150 miles away from the Dakota Access Pipeline protests only solidified the concerns of people anxious of the
The history of the European colonizations of the Americans was a very bad history. Through what Columbus did and how Tisquantum was a good leader and how the Indians were badly treated,Balboa,and New Orleans. In Massachusetts the name New England shore was the Dawnland, it was known for the people of The First Light at first that place was inhabited but slowly and surely people started moving in. In 280 tribes, they are fighting to keep the water away from the oil pipeline. To keep their water clean and safe for their family and children. If the pipeline leaks it would cause a huge devastation. Standing Rock went out to support the protest of the pipeline as well in North Dakota. It hurts a lot of people because a previous time they had put
In the United States, the protest has always been an important tool of democracy, a way for the minority to let itself be heard. Take the Civil Rights movement. Today's race relations are better than they were fifty years ago because a relatively small group of people convinced enough of the country that racism was a disease that would kill everything that made America special.
For months, tension have mounted between protestors and law enforcement officials over the faith of an oil pipeline not far from Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. It has become an environmental and cultural flashpoint, stirring passion across social media and drawing thousands of protestors in the United States and around the world.
Well two Saturdays ago the amount of protesters near the pipeline's construction grew into the thousands. The governor of North Dakota the state of emergency and barricaded the protest sites. This is only after a federal judge ruled that they would not hear the tribes requested to stop the construction. After that request of a state of emergency more and more protesters started arriving regardless of the barricades. Due to this, last Friday the federal government announced that there would be a pause in the construction of the pipeline and also considered, Nationwide reform on these kinds of infrastructure projects. Although this causes temporary and may resume and the construction may continue forward. But hopefully with my spread of information you can go out and protest yourself along with the Native American people. Just as long as you have enough money to go out
Since the beginning of american history there have been peaceful and non peaceful protests. These protests have had valuable effects on American society such as Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks have impacted society greatly and for the better. In my opinion peaceful protests still have negative effects though they are immensely more appropriate than non peaceful protests because peaceful protests often turn violent because people don't know how to act for example Trump Protests.
African-Americans have been oppressed since their arrival in America in 1619. Due to their differences in physical characteristics, Whites considered them an inferior race and therefore treated them as property, disregarding their human rights. After many years of exploitation and abuse, in 1791, slaves on the small island of Hispaniola revolted against French rule and successfully gained their freedom in 1804. It gave hope to African American slaves who, in turn, decided to stand against their masters and gain their freedom. Every one of those rebellions was extremely violent. They were so passionate about the cause and have been oppressed for so long that they targeted
I don't exactly know how to address this issue in the country, but I do know that the Dakota Access PipeLine is so-called “peaceful resistance” to the protesters. Even though, living in North Dakota, really I know it's not peaceful at all. This pipeline has been worked on since December of 2014 and now protesters are addressing the problem. They call it peaceful resistance. They say that they aren't damaging anything. But it's all lies. They say that they are peacefully opposing to this 3.54 billion-dollar pipeline that is going to make the u.s. a lot less in debt, but they aren't. You hear on the news how they're burning the equipment and handcuffing themselves to the equipment and killing livestock, hurting officers and soldiers down there