
Payroll Function

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Payroll Management Competence Framework

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

3 The Payroll Profession

4 Payroll and the World of Work

5 Overall Objectives of the Payroll Management Competence Framework

6 Enabling Successful Payroll Competence Development

7 The Competence Framework Pyramid

8 Applying the CIPP Competence Framework

9 Evaluation of Payroll Management Competences

2. Payroll Management Competence Framework Core Values and Competences

o Professional Values o Business & Management Core Competences for Payroll o Personal Competences Profile

3. Payroll Management …show more content…

The “output” of payroll professionals (paying the right people the right amount at the right time) is, however, very much valued.

It is, therefore, essential in the interests of all stakeholders, and primarily of CIPP members themselves, that the standards of performance expected of members should be clearly stated in a Competence Framework and that they are understood by all concerned.

Payroll and the World of Work

Payroll is central to many activities in business and working life. The integrity of the payroll function, in its widest sense, is essential if business and government is to operate properly. That integrity is largely in the hands of the payroll profession.

The payroll profession’s public includes taxpayers, direct “outsourced” clients, employers, employees, local and national government, and those within the business and public sector communities who rely on the independence and integrity of payroll information for:

• Supporting transparent remuneration policies and practice;

• Ensuring cost efficient and financially effective use of human resources;

• Demonstrating sound internal financial control within organisations;

• Supporting confidence in the application of the UK tax system;

• Assisting in sound management decision-making by ensuring the availability of timely and accurate

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