It's very clear that college is very expensive, many families do have trouble paying for college, but there's always a solution to this. There are many reasons on how you can pay for college like, loans, grants etc. Yet, there are still more solutions to pay for college, scholarships. Here are some important statistics involving scholarships, there are 12:1 odds to earn a scholarship, you also could earn $19,557 on average, per year, earning scholarships. Working hard for your money to earn a scholarship if better than getting paid ‘freely.’ I strongly disagree with paying college athletes for various reasons, you can work harder to earn a scholarship, if you have a “poorer,” family there is still alternative solutions. There is many ways to
As college sports continue to progress and attract millions of fanatics, the idea of paying these young athletes seems more reasonable considering all the revenue they generate. New York Times features an article by economist Joe Nocera, called Let’s Start Paying College Athletes. Nocera argues that payment to college is inevitable, the NCAA generates $6 billion dollars in revenue, and can only compensate the athletes with an inadequate education due to all the time athletes spend contributing to the athletic department. His professional background and analysis, with the help of a few others, helped Nocera develop a 5 element plan to reform college athletics. Some of the elements such as lifetime health insurance
In my opinion, “The Problems with Paying College Athletes” makes several great points. The central argument of the essay was questioning where the money to pay college athletes would come from. Apparently only fourteen colleges turn a profit from NCAA without relying on institutional support, like student fees. The fourteen colleges that do turn a profit can afford to pay student athletes, but a majority cannot. For the colleges that cannot find the funds to pay athletes, how do they compete against the colleges who can?
Let us keep in mind that this is a college environment. There are students that if they want to make money they go and look for employment, All students work hard and it is what they have to do in order to make the grades, now should they get pay because they study hard? If college athletes begin to get pay then who else? Also, remember that most of these athletes already receive
College sports is a multi-billion dollar industry. Each year thousands of high school students are recruited to play college sports, but under strict conditions. Students are required to do well in athletics while keeping up with their academics. College athletes spend up to forty five hours per week on practices, training, and games. In addition, they spend roughly forty hours on their academics. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletics Association) does not think it is necessary to pay these athletes because they want to maintain the “amateur sport” status. According to Stanley Eitzen in his “College Athletes should be Paid, “The universities and the NCAA claim their athletes in big-time sports programs
One of the most asked questions among the NCAA and college boards around the nation, is whether or not college athletes should be paid or not. There have been many debates over this frequently discussed topic. There are many articles on both sides, these articles mainly discuss one side of the issue. Even though there are many articles talking about this people today still wonder what everyone else’s side it. My personal belief is that college athletes should get paid because it can really help out the students. College athletes deserve to be paid for many different reasons.
Should college athletes be paid? Over time, sports have become a huge part of colleges throughout America. There is a lot of controversy out there right now about whether or not the athletes should be paid and treated like the professionals. Over time, sports have slowly become more important than the actual reason of college, education. College athletes should not be paid because most athletes get ample scholarships for school, because it is a violation of the National Collegiate Athletic Association bylaws, and because college is meant for furthering your education.
Should college athletes be paid? They should because athletes have been raising millions and millions of dollars for there school and they don't receive near as money as they raise for the school. College athletes practice more than than the average american works. College athletes raise millions of dollars in revenue for there school and they don't profit for all the hard work and money they raise for there school. While the NCAA a billion dollar industry take advantage of the young college athletes. College athletes should be paid for all the hard work they put into their sport and all the money they earn for their school.
Intro: Imagine this: full time job, full time college student. Tying to juggle your job and academics at the same time, putting equal time in for each. Then, at the end of the month you didn’t get paid for the work that you were achieving in your job. This is how college athletes are feeling today. Ineffective, useless and unproductive. Many people in the college sports industry are getting paid except for the people who are accomplishing the most, the athletes. They put in the work, time, and effort to their athletics but their academics are being overlooked totally. With so many mixed emotions and laws standing in the way, there has not been as much commotion over this issues as there should be. College athletes should be getting paid because of the work that they are putting into the system, and the results that they are getting out of the game and audience.
College athletes work hard. Is there a way to pay college athletes? College athletes should be and paid because they work hard and there college are getting lots of money from tournaments and the colleges are not even paying their athletes. There is a way to pay the athletes without giving them a paycheck, the college should set up a bank account for 5,000 dollars.
College athletes should be paid. The athletes put in as much work as the people who do get paid. Why should they not be paid? There are many pros for why they should get paid, but there are also many cons on why they should not get paid. The athletes should get paid because of how hard they work in season and the off-season. Do not pay all of the athletes, but pay the ones who are at a D1 college. The athletes should get paid because they put in the same amount of time as the pros do, and the pros get paid.
College athletics is a very diverse organization involving a lot of students, mainly as the players, and non-students such as officials, coaches and others. The leading governing body for college athletics is the National Collegiate Athletic Association, NCAA. College sports is itself a big industry involving sponsorships, TV networks, endorsements, retail products and marketing. But in spite of it being a big business, the players are not compensated for the work they deliver. This opens up two opinions: should players be paid, or should they not? Kristi Dosh’s article, “The Problems With Paying College Athletes”, (UNCLEAR)discusses where the coaches’ money come from to pay student athletes. On the other hand, Mark Cassell’s article, “College Athletes Should Be Able To Negotiate Compensation”, debates how athletes should be able to negotiate their compensation. This paper will evaluate the evidence of both Dosh and Cassell in order to determine which argument is more effective.
Top collegiate athletes should be able to get paid. Schools are making millions in ticket sales, selling jerseys and other venues that help out of school. However, college athletes make all the money for the college. College athletes should deserve to to get paid. “The college sports industry generates $11 Billion in annual revenues.”(Text 1, line 1) the college sports industry generates so much money, that they need to share the money and that it's selfish. Scholarship athletes should be getting paid.
Some college athletic departments are as wealthy as professional sports teams. The NCAA has an average annual revenue of $10.6 billion dollars. College athletes should be paid because of the amount of revenue that they bring to their college. Each individual college should pay its athletes based on how much revenue they bring to the college in which they attend. The colleges that win their Division title, their Conference title, or the National championship, give bonuses to the Head coach of that team. If colleges have enough money to give bonuses to coaches, that means they have money that is left over for the athlete who gives them recognition to pay them. College athletes should be paid based solely upon the performance and success that they have.
College sports are a phenomenon that keeps viewers coming back for more. Stated in an article on Money Nation the NCAA makes an estimated $1 billion per year and this number is still growing. What really is insane is that all that money is made off of college athletes, who don’t get a penny from that total number. The debate on whether or not college athletes should be paid has been around for decades and probably will still be here for years to come. Paying college athletes would make the teams unfair, change how hard players will work to get better, affect the amateurism of college sports, and lastly influence the athlete's willingness to participate in college sports.
There are many colleges around the world and most people like to attend one. Students study hard and try their best just so they can get an acceptance letter from their dream college. However, college tuition is not that affordable; college tuition is increasing in price every single year while the yearly salary of a father stays the same or barely increases. College tuition should be affordable to everyone regardless of his or her family status and position. Students should be able to attend a college without being in a debt consisting of thousands of dollars. There are scholarships, grants and financial aid available but that does not help everyone. A middle class family cannot fully afford a child going to a 4-year college and make a living, which is comfortably in residence. A change in college tuition is definitely required for American students and the students around the world to have a better education at low cost.