
Paulo Freire The Banking Concept Of Education

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In the modern system, education serves as the foundation for other leading aspects of politics, economy and social interactions. Investing in a reliable and solid education are key factors to construct healthy individuals, that through integration, will compose a thriving society. Considering that the educational system is divided into two learning concepts, the issue to evaluate and choose one poses a doubt for students, that are in direct contact with both benefits and disadvantages offered to them. Paulo Freire introduces these two learning concepts: the banking concept, which according to him, is a “misguided system… [that projects] absolute ignorance…” (349); and the problem-posing method, a “libertarian education.” Although both methods are used to obtain knowledge and make education possible, their approaches and ultimate purpose for the acquired knowledge contradict each other, and pose an issue for …show more content…

This vertical relationship gifts teachers with an unquestionable knowledge and authority, and the students who “know nothing simply memorize the way the world ‘enters into’ [them]” (352). Based on ignorance and control, the banking concept constructs ideologies of oppression that serve to dominate and program the perception and consciousness of the students, making them behave accordingly to the society’s norms. This method of education “attempts to control thinking and action,” that dehumanizes men and women and feeds the oppressors’ purposes - which is to alienate and brainwash the public, simultaneously profiting and concentrating power, while society follows accordingly without questioning them. The lack of dialogue between teacher and students facilitates the banking effects, since the former are deprived to argue and build knowledge through assimilation, having their creativity and cognitive abilities

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