
Pauline Monologue

Satisfactory Essays

Pauline’s gonna stick it to those mongrels in the big smoke. It’s about time fair dinkum
Aussies got within hooroo of Canberra and stood up for the rest of us. I’m sick of those pollies who look after their own mates and they don’t think about the jobs that are being nicked from us by letting every bloody foreigner into our back yard. And what about all the free-loaders pretending to be refugees? They’re really terrorists. Before we know it, they’ll blow up our houses. Without Pauline, who’s gonna keep Australia for Aussies? Some people reckon people like Pauline don’t belong in politics, but shes real. She’s like you and me.
She’s not one of those rich idiots who think they’re better than us. Us country people know things have gone to the

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