Paul, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, is a legacy in the Bible. His life transformation alone is a testament to anyone and everyone--- especially unbelievers. His past consisted of persecution of Christians, but Jesus radically saved him and led him to live a life preaching the
Gospel--- the exact opposite of what he was doing in his former life. What an incredible testimony! Through Paul’s testimony alone, we can learn that God uses our past and what once held us down to glorify Him one day. We can also learn from Paul’s challenges--- as he was beat, imprisoned, and mocked for what was known to the people as hypocrisy. However, God used his testimony to be shared around the world, and God gave Paul the insurmountable opportunities to share the Gospel in nations everywhere---
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These verses tell the story of Paul and his journey sharing the Gospel around the world. He desires to preach the Gospel in Asia Minor, but the Holy Spirit prevents him from going--- twice.
In the Greek, prevented is “kóluó,” which means “hinder” or “forbid.” The Matthew Henry
Commentary elaborates on this idea, quoting: “It was the Holy Ghost that forbade them...or by some prophets who spoke to them from the Spirit” (Matthew Henry). Clearly, Paul was not supposed to preach the Gospel to Asia Minor. Then, Paul received a vision from the Holy Spirit of Macedonia, the place where Paul is supposed to go in that moment of time to share the Good
News of Jesus. When I was studying this passage, I immediately noticed that even though Paul so desired to go in one direction to share the Gospel, the Holy Spirit led him in another direction.
However, Paul simply trusted in the Lord and did not lean on his own understanding. This is
The meaning of the passage to Paul is to strengthen his brothers in the faith. Paul wrote this to show them that things will not always be perfect and that some times they will face trials but with Jesus all things are possible. Paul also encourages himself through the encouragement of the church of Colosse. I think that when Paul writes to the church’s and tell them what he thinks, encourages them , prays for them, or even just telling them what he face for the gospel, that it gives him a sense of accomplishment or even a sense of why he is doing what he is doing.
Paul’s mission’s on reaching the people of God and spreading the word of Christ is driven by the bold spirit imparted to and the rest of the Apostles conducting Christ’s mission. The Holy Spirit speaks to directly to believers guiding them on how to conduct their missions as well as manifesting through speaking in tongues of
Paul of Tarsus’ contribution to the expression and development of Christianity is extensive and begins from his missionary journeys and writings which have stamped his interpretations and ideas onto the religion. Without Paul, it is unlikely that Christianity would be the major world religion it is today.
Paul’s preaching, caused by the provocation we just discussed, afforded him incredible opportunities. He discussed Christ with the Jews, the Gentile worshipers, the frequenters of the marketplace, and even some philosophers (Acts 17:17-18). Though many of the individuals in the last group labeled
Paul writes about how he has been longing to go to Rome to spread the word because he had a special call. Paul prays that he may have the opportunity to visit Rome. He desires to go to Rome to preach the gospel because he knows salvation only comes through true faith. The righteousness of God is revealed through faith.
While on the road to Damascus, he met the Lord and received a major transformation in his spirit. Nevertheless, Paul produced a striking alteration in his lifetime, he became a man of great faith, wisdom, knowledge, and an awesome teacher and soul winner for the realm of God. Paul delivered a great deal for the deeds that had acted to the Christians. Paul was willing to give up it all for the Kingdom of God and hence he got one of the greatest Apostles of his time.
Paul was defeated Christians and imprisoned them and he changed to defending the word of God. Paul's life is a living example of the power and life changing ability that the gospel can have in someone's life. Paul's heart was saved and changed on the road to Damascus. Once his heart changed then his lifestyle and motivation would
Chapter 3 The mystery of the gospel is revealed through Christ. The wisdom of God is made known through the church. Paul prays that the people may know the depth of His love. Chapter 4
Paul was on his missionary work that spanned throughout Europe, in Acts 17 Paul delivery three very powerful speeches. His third speech was delivered to the Pagans. The events that surround his famous speech and the words themselves are “the most outstanding example of intercultural evangelistic witness in the New Testament .” Paul has been regarded by scholars as a masterful mission practitioner and in this text we see him at the “height of his powers” .
The Apostle Paul (formerly Saul) is responsible for the spread of Christianity throughout the areas of Asia Minor and Greece. Through his 3 mission trips to the region Paul created a base of support for the Christian faith and implemented a support strategy for future growth. The time period for his journeys was 45 AD – 58 AD. The story of Paul is interesting from the perspective that the man best known as the author of most of the New Testament started out as a devout Jew and despised the Christian faith. After his conversion he made it his life’s work to spread the Christian message throughout the world. To this end, Paul made several mission trips to the area of Asia Minor and Greece.
This huge undeserved forgiveness begetting this huge love in his heart for the Lord merged with his tenacious heart and he took all he had and went after spreading the Gospel. Only death could stop him from spreading the gospel, as we clearly see, even imprisonment only amounted to a changing of forum and audience for his sharing of the good news. Paul had a great grasp of the culture of the gentiles because he lived amongst them. His fluency in both Hebrew and Greek helped him wield dialects of both peoples with the elements of the cultures to help all he was commishioned to reachout to understand the truth. And that very truth was something he understood at a heart level as he saw himself as the chief of all sinners, the worst of all men.
In Conclusion, we clearly have seen that Paul’s hope was laid in the future resurrection which he would attain. Though his opponents claimed that the afflictions which he had gone through discredited him as a faithful apostle, Paul knew very well that is why he is willing let his body suffer affliction and bruising for the sake of taking the gospel to the Corinthians. Paul could do this because he had a hope of a future resurrection where the weak tent where he presently resided in would be replaced by a dwelling from God. This dwelling would be an eternal residence so that he would not have to exist in a bodiless state. Thus, he fulfilled the callings of his ministry with courage. Because he knew that he would have to stand before the judgment
In writing this section of verses, Paul also communicates another message through implication. Paul is sending Timothy to the church in Philippi because he is unable to go
Paul uses the altar to an unknown god impression as an introduction to share God’s truth. Hoping that the people would adhere to the gospel, turning their lives around. Paul shares the gospel with the Athenians in a way that is relevant, sensitive and uncompromising to the truth. Nonetheless, through the power of God they became receptive to the teachings of Paul. “All the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas” (Acts 17:21). There are many altars to unknown God today. Nevertheless, we as Christians can lead these people in the right path by telling them about Jesus and the gospel (uncompromising
The conversion of Saul to Paul was a dramatic one. In one of his missions on the road to Damascus, Paul encounters the risen Jesus Christ, which changed his entire life from then on. He was never the same person that people had known before. Jesus enters into Paul’s life and he decides to dedicate the rest of his life for the service