
Paul Tarsus Journey

Decent Essays

Paul, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, is a legacy in the Bible. His life transformation alone is a testament to anyone and everyone--- especially unbelievers. His past consisted of persecution of Christians, but Jesus radically saved him and led him to live a life preaching the
Gospel--- the exact opposite of what he was doing in his former life. What an incredible testimony! Through Paul’s testimony alone, we can learn that God uses our past and what once held us down to glorify Him one day. We can also learn from Paul’s challenges--- as he was beat, imprisoned, and mocked for what was known to the people as hypocrisy. However, God used his testimony to be shared around the world, and God gave Paul the insurmountable opportunities to share the Gospel in nations everywhere--- …show more content…

These verses tell the story of Paul and his journey sharing the Gospel around the world. He desires to preach the Gospel in Asia Minor, but the Holy Spirit prevents him from going--- twice.
In the Greek, prevented is “kóluó,” which means “hinder” or “forbid.” The Matthew Henry
Commentary elaborates on this idea, quoting: “It was the Holy Ghost that forbade them...or by some prophets who spoke to them from the Spirit” (Matthew Henry). Clearly, Paul was not supposed to preach the Gospel to Asia Minor. Then, Paul received a vision from the Holy Spirit of Macedonia, the place where Paul is supposed to go in that moment of time to share the Good
News of Jesus. When I was studying this passage, I immediately noticed that even though Paul so desired to go in one direction to share the Gospel, the Holy Spirit led him in another direction.
However, Paul simply trusted in the Lord and did not lean on his own understanding. This is

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