
Patient Zero Summary

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In the Radio Lab the Authors illustrates how HIV is spreading in United States and how the starting point begins as Patient Zero. Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich along with Carl Zimmer and David Quammen discuss how in 1981 a mysterious syndrome it became in a pandemic among homosexual people in important cities such as Los Angeles Ney York and San Francisco. Young men were dying in inexplicable conditions that the CDC had to intervene with a several researches, surveys and studies about those cases. During the research noticed that one man were most related with more cases, this person was Gaetan Dugas, a Canadian young men, who travel to US. As he knew he was going to die, he stared to spread the disease for something he called a “gay cancer”. …show more content…

Scientists could predict how many people could die in a period of time. Since 1966, way before Dugas become a sexually active, scientist trace the virus not only in US, but also in places such as Haiti and Africa. Scientists took samples of blood from 1959, 1960 and bodies from 1908 they found the HVI virus in those samples. Beatrice Hahn, a professor from University of Pennsylvania, help to search for a much earlier Patient Zero, by taking it to Africa, and turning back the clock on a series of virus mutations and pinpointing with a diverse viruses such as SIV (simian immune virus), AGM (African green monkey) among many more of cross-species spillover (term scientists use to describe a moment a virus in one specie passes to other spice) in a jungle in Cameroon. A virus hunter, Nathan Wolfe, professor in human biology in Stanford University, takes it back even farther to an intracellular investigation in monkeys, gorillas, and chimps. Concluding with an intense research in chimps in a different places of West Africa, with a data, samples of major groups of HIV, and viruses from chimps created a model of “chimp Patient zero” hundreds of thousands of years

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