
Path-Goal Theory Of Donald Trump's Leadership Behavior

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3.6. Path-Goal Theory Path-goal theory emphasizes the association between the style of a leader and the features of the subordinate and the work setting. Path-goal theory can be break down in smaller units. After dividing it in smaller units, we can discuss Donald Trump’s leadership approach according to path-goal theory more effectively. Moreover, these smaller units are Leader behavior (Directive, Participative, Achievement Oriented and Supportive), characteristics of a subordinate, task characteristics and motivation. According to path-goal theory, leader’s behavior could change with change in subordinate characteristics or task characteristics, which will also affect the motivation level of employees. Comparing Donald trump’s behavior with path-goal theory I think his behavior is mix of three of the behaviors mentioned above i.e. directive, participative and achievement oriented, he is not a kind of supportive leader. He hires competent …show more content…

Transformational Leadership Donald Trump was somehow transformational leader. In transformational leadership, a leader motivates his/her followers morally, ethically to achieve more than as normally expected. Donald Trump did this most of the time, he always motivate others through his own example. He himself works hard, loves his work and business and expects the same from others. Trump is a very good communicator and public speaker; he was a host of famous TV show The Apprentice where every year he searched most suitable employee for his business among a group a talented candidates from all over the United State. In the same show also motivates the young ones for future through his special skills. Trump is also influential in day to day business activities, people who do business with him can trust him, have confident in him, they know Trump will never let them down and would do his best because he never want to lose. So we can say they feel lucky to do business with

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