
Pastoral Family Transition Essay

Decent Essays

Transitions. Everyone goes through them, I mean everyone goes through puberty, childhood to adulthood, new jobs/schools, new familial additions, etc... I'm here to tell you about the biggest transition I've been through. Now if you know me you would think it would've been when I moved from my beloved home state of Georgia to the unexplored territory called Florida. Yet as huge as that transition has been there is one other transition that outranks moving. It's called becoming a pastoral family. This was completely uncharted waters. Even though my grandpa is a pastor he lives in Venezuela so there wasn't much of a possibility for an apprenticeship. Now along with another pastoral family (we're co-pastors), we had to lead a small congregation. …show more content…

So we had to become accustomed to a new doctrine, new revelations, so on and so forth. Just so can have an idea we came from a non-denominational church and are now pastors of an apostolic church. I, personally, had no idea that prophets and apostles still existed. Second of all we had/have no in-house Sr. pastor meaning every decision, from the biggest to the smallest, had to go through a counsel's approval. Sometimes it could be months before a decision could be reached. Next comes money. We were (and still are) starting out as a church so we were completely dependent on our business, G-Lab Media, for all our income. Something about the Latin American culture is that the undervalue the arts, and since my parents' business is a new media production company it was a hard time. But through the grace of God contracts have been provided and our cups are

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