
Pastor David Williams

Decent Essays

Last Sundy I attended my local church, Lansing Woodview Church of the Nazarene. I was privileged to hear our Rev. David Williams, our Pastor of Discipleship, preach from Luke 7:36-50. He was speaking on our monthly family Sunday when we have all ages in worship. This sermon was also preaching in fulfillment of a requirement for a preaching class he is currently taking at Nazarene Bible College. Pastor David took an interesting approach to preaching this particular passage in which Jesus' feet are washed by the sinful woman who cleans his feet and anoints them with perfume to the ire of Simon the Pharisee. Jesus uses this as an opportunity to use a parable to teach about grace and its availability to everyone. After reading the passage he began to break down the different perspectives of the characters in the story as if analyzing a play. He examined the perspective of the woman, Simon, Jesus and the others at the dinner. …show more content…

He suggested at each of us might be able to identify with one or more people within the passage. He suggest that perhaps we need to be like the woman and understand that we are worth of forgiveness and must give praise for that forgiveness. Or like Simon we need to have our perspectives renewed on the availability of grace for everyone. Maybe we need to be like the crowd and follow after the question of “Who is this , who even forgives sins?” Finally concluding with the point that we all are worthy of grace and we are called to receive and reciprocate that grace in our

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