
Passive Women In Heart Of Darkness

Decent Essays

Conrad’s representation of women within Heart of Darkness is rich in symbolism. From the ominous and foreboding presence of two Fate like weaving women of ‘unconcerned wisdom… guarding the door of Darkness, knitting black wool as if for a warm pall’ (Conrad 2006, p. 11) personifying the inescapable destiny of man’s demise, to the naively sensitive and sorrowful angel of death that is the Intended, symbolism echoes resoundingly through the pages of Heart of Darkness.
The Intended, with her ‘pure brow’ glimmering golden, wreathed in an ‘ashy halo’, entombed by devotion to her lost love, embodies a classically feminine stereotype of the passive virgin. Using the literary device of doubling, the Intended, withering in isolation, is contrasted

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