
Pascal's Life During The Scientific Revolution

Better Essays

Jared Tedesco
HIS 105: History of Civilization I
Analysis Paper 2
November 24, 2014

Between the mid 15th century and late 18th century there have been many changes in various ways that impacted Western Civilization. Most of the historical changes were more beneficial to society than damaging. These changes have affected people’s views on religion, politics, culture, and technology. Through all these views there has been one key person, invention, or philosophy that pushed a person’s view to reality.

Area 1: Religion-Pascal

Religion in Western Civilization has had crazy historical changes for better or worse. Within all these historical marks, none had a greater impact on Religious views than Science. Science and Religion have been …show more content…

No one really knows why Pascal decided to switch to the field of religion, but there have been assumptions. These assumptions were either he nearly lost his life in a carriage accident or because he saw a vision of God that changed his perception. Pascal from then on wanted science and religion not to fight but unite. During the age of the Scientific Revolution, Pascal wanted to change the rationalistic ways of people and to defend Christianity. Now knowing rationalists who believe that everything has a reason through knowledge and understanding, Pascal stated, “If we submit everything to reason, there will be no mystery and no supernatural element in our religion.” Pascal is trying to state people are driven through faith in their lives, and if you take God out of the picture, what is left to believe in? Through his protection of Christianity, Pascal wrote the Penseés. Penseés was an argument for the Christians. One of the best parts in his argument was, “We may extend our conceptions beyond all imaginable space; yet produce only atoms in comparison with the reality of things.” Science may have reasons for a lot of things, but it doesn’t have reason for everything. Though he never was able achieve his true goal (Science equaling Religion), Pascal left people considering whether we can appreciate science but still have religious values. Pascal was a true modern day Christian whose arguments …show more content…

These culture shocks include the rise in science and technology, enlightenment power, Shakespeare, and many other influences. One big impact on the cultural and intellectual side of Western Civilization was the era of Witchcraft and

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