
Parliamentary And Presidential System Of Government

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Parliamentary and Presidential System of Government: An Analysis of Modus Operandi, Characteristics and Effects in a Political Community. A presidential system of government is one in which power lies in the hands of an elected individual known as the head of state and the head of government as well. It is composed of checks and balances of which power is separated into other tiers of government such as the legislative and judicial arms of government. The legislative is broken down into upper and lower chamber elected by the people. The cabinet is primarily appointed by the president upon emergence into power. A parliamentary system of government on the other hand has the office of the head of government and head of state divided among the Prime minister and the monarch often represented by the governor general respectively. The parliament consists of legislatures from the upper and lower chamber. Its cabinet which are members of the political executive is also appointed by the prime minister and they are both answerable to the parliament, as parliament are answerable to the people. In this paper we are going to examine the characteristics of both system of government, their impacts in our society as well as the benefits and detriments of both systems of government, then we draw conclusion on which system is the most preferable. A presidential system of government supersedes a parliamentary system of government because of its role in ensuring adequate separation of powers

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