
Essay On Parkview Christian School

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In the fall of 1980, the Congregation of Calvery Community Church, led by Pastor Dr. Carl Godwin, founded Parkview Christian School. Under the leadership of Bob Winebarger, the school began as a Kindergarten through eighth grade school. “Those were glorious days, Winebarger relates, “as we saw God’s hand moving to provide a Christian School to the residents of North Lincoln. Within two years of opening, the school expanded and began to offer a K-12 academic program. Continuing to expand to minister to families in Lincoln, a preschool and daycare were opened in the fall of 1991. Parkview Christian Schools now operates three separate locations for preschool and daycare for young children. A few years ago, Parkview Christian School stepped out from the umbrella of the church and became a separate non-profit entity. …show more content…

The school initially lost a court battle and was ordered not to reopen until 1983. This announcement brought an outpouring of prayers and support from Christians concerned about overt intervention of the state into church affairs: “Everyone in the field of Christian Education knew what was happening in Nebraska. In fact, I remember praying for this school and pastor during that time, never dreaming that one day I would be serving as the superintendent of schools there”, Dr. Myers

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