
Parenting Styles In Romeo And Juliet

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In the past there were many known parenting styles. Parents didn't have to identify the way they raised their children as a "style", it was just parenting. Now, in the 21st century, there are three main types of parenting styles, the tiger parent, the helicopter parent, and the free range parent. Children of these parents constantly debate about which style is the best, so which is the to raise a child? Free range parenting is the best parenting technique. Free range parents have mastered the concept of parenting. A parent who is considered free range is someone who is "raising children in the spirit of encouraging then to function independently in proper accordance of their age" (Free Range 1). Free range guardians still love and care for their child the same and still are aware of boundaries; they just believe that they cannot hold their child's hand their whole life. To compare this genre of parenting to the Capulet parents in Romeo and Juliet, Lord capulet states that, "My will to her consent is but apart" (Shakespeare 808). Lord Capulet's statement shows a view of free range parenting, he will help his daughter make a choice but, he knows he cannot make it for her. These caregivers are parents with the most realistic views. …show more content…

These parents hover constantly over their children, no matter the age. As the article describes it, they are "the worlds largest umbilical cord" (Helicopter 1). One could understand why parents watch over their kids so often, but it might not be the best method for 21st century teens. Teenagers now need more responsibilities, which help them grow in their lives. Their parents can't hover over their children, its simply "good intentions gone awry" (Helicopter 2). Free range parents allow them to learn from their own

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