
Parental Conflict During Divorce : Children Essay

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Parental Conflict during Divorce Are children the victims of divorce? The number of marriages that end in divorce are increasing. This is leading to more children being vulnerable to the effects of high levels of parental hostility and conflict. Anxiety, acting out, depression, academic problems, defiance towards authority, difficulty maintaining friendships, poorer parent-child relationships, are some of the adjustment symptoms children are being forced into coping with, due to their parent’s behavior. Children don’t just witness conflict and hostility between their parents. Children are often unwittingly put in the middle of the conflict. They don’t know what to do or what to think. Their secure world around them as they know it, is changing. The levels of conflict and hostility continue to rise, but the parents are often too self-involved in their own crisis and bickering to put their child first, or to notice their child struggling. It is a devastating situation for children to be in. Without the involvement of courts and community groups this unresolved issue will continue to grow. High levels of parental conflict and hostility during a divorce directly impacts the adjustment of children involved and may have long term adverse effects. The family unit as a whole is affected by divorce. Children are suffering and struggling to adjust, due to high levels of parental conflict and hostility. Everyone is adjusting to the changes that are occurring, and each parent is

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