
Parental Addiction Research Paper

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Parental addiction is becoming more of a worldwide problematic concern in our generation. What exactly do I mean when I say addiction? Addictions can be anything, whether it falls in place of alcohol, drugs, sex, stealing, gambling, and etc. Now let’s just imagine all of us, girls and guys growing up with parents who are alcoholics and cannot take care and provide for us because they are constantly spending money on alcohol, or sleeping most of the day because they passed out from drinking too much, or it can be that parents are being violent to each other or even to the children. Having parents who are addicted is an issue we need to change and face the fact it is a growing problem. When children grow up with parents who are …show more content…

Gender plays a big issue for parental addiction because the males and females bodies and minds work differently. Males have more of an impulsive mindset than females do. Correspondingly, it was stated in an article by Schreiber that, “We sought to examine this relationship and hypothesized that among young adults, males reporting parental addiction would exhibit higher rates of behavioral and cognitive impulsivity and poorer decision-making”. Males take things more seriously and are more likely to act out in more situations. In an article called Mental Health Weekly Digest, It has been stated that there is a higher rate for males to have externalizing problems because of an addicted parent. Females let it get to them more emotionally and they end up having a higher mental disability. Also, another factor of parental addiction is there is a higher rate of neglect when parents misuse chemicals. It is known that many parents who are addicted tend to just leave their kids and disappear and believe that is okay and is the right thing to do. It was mentioned in an article that a young girls mom had left her when she was a child, from experiencing that trauma it affects her still and now when her mom will leave, she believes her mother will never come back …show more content…

In the Mental Health Weekly Digest article, it has been found in studies that while living in parental household still under 18 years of age there are more than one-third of parents who grew up in a physically abusive home. Physical abuse has a high chance of being performed while having an addiction. An important statement from the article of Mental Health Weekly Digest is, “The prevalence of child physical abuse was between 8% and 11% for those who had experienced parental divorce alone or parental unemployment alone but increased to between 18% and 19% for those who experienced parental addictions alone”. So why do you think physical abuse is a high factor when talking about parental addiction? Alcohol and drugs can take over a life, and while being under the influence it can make you turn into someone you wish you did not act like. A depressing article that Mental Health Weekly Digest released was said that a child was caught drawing a picture of her injecting heroin. When children are young, they look up to their parents and the actions they do, which then the children believe it is okay to demonstrate those same

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