
Parent Parents And Aladdin's Message In The Little Mermaid

Decent Essays

The message delivered by Disney movies is definetily not something children need to learn from. For example, in the movie The Little Mermaid, we see so many wrong things that are taught to little girls. First, we see a mermaid who strongly dislikes everything she has just because she wants to be like a human. We want little girls in this generation to accept who they are, where they come from, and value their roots, sadly this movie is sending a completely different message. Secondly, she sacrifices her singing abilities, home, social standards, and her family to be with a guy she barely knows. Clearly this is teaching girls to run off to the first guy they find handsome and charming without knowing much about him. Most importantly we want children of the next generation to know morals. …show more content…

In Aladdin, he steals and lies just to get on the good side of the princess. If young kids watch these kind of movies they are going to grow up thinking that this is the only way to impress a lady. That’s not right! We obviously want our kids to grow up with morals and Aladdin is not teaching this to kids. Even though Disney films are meant for young audience, the people actually making it just can’t help sliding in some cruel adult jokes. In Toy Story 3, the gang learns how rude the villain Lotso really is when he pulls, off the mouth of Mrs. Potato Head just to shut her up. As they look stunned, Mr. Potato Head lets Lotso know that only her husband is allowed to pull that trick, delivering a veiled sex joke in the process. Also wrongly teaching kids that it is alright to silent and claim a

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