
Pardoner's Tale Symbolism

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In “The Pardoner’s Tale,” by Geoffrey Chaucer, three young men set out on a journey to kill Death since it had earlier taken one of their friends. On the way to find Death, they run into a poor old man. This poor man explains to them that there is a pile of gold florins under a large oak tree. As the three young rioters race to get to the tree, many ideas come into their heads as to how they can get the most of the gold. They knew if they were to bring the gold into the town during the day, they would be called thieves, and hang for the crime. They immediately hid the gold so they could bring it home at night.

“Sell me some poison if you will, I have a lot of rats I want to kill” (Chaucer 130). The youngest rioter, who goes back

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