
Paragraph Of The Great Gatsby

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To introduce, the Great Gatsby Symbolizes the American Dream because Gatsby picks himself up from the rock bottom where he came from his poor past and overcomes gaining an incredible amount of wealth. To being a man with power, admiration and plenty of money. The wealth that rose from above him came from all his hard work and effort. He knew what he wanted to accomplish and set his goals towards the love for Daisy he always had. And he tried his best and pushed himself to impress Daisy especially and other people who always looked down at him. Gatsby did have a social amount of cache. Gatsby feared that he would still be rejected if he didn’t have money like before. Throughout the whole book Gatsby follows up with the American Dream until he …show more content…

He also came from the Midwest. “ I lived at the West Egg, the well, the less fashionable of two, though this is most superficial tag to express. My house was at the very end of West Egg only fifteen yards away from the Sound, which rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season.”(Fitzgerald 5) In that Paragraph from the Great Gatsby it demonstrates howGatsby lived very humbled and he didn’t have much. Meanwhile, the other people who lived next to the sound the good fancy places had everything and he would just enjoy the view. Gatsby didn’t have a palace or wealth when he was growing up. He grew up seeing the other people with nice things and living a luxurious life. That’s when he decided to push himself to get somewhere good in life. ”I decided to call to him. Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner, and that would do for an introduction. But I didn't call to him, for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone—he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward—and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock. When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished, and I was alone again in the unquiet darkness.” (Fitzgerald 9) We never really get to see the …show more content…

He wanted to have her and wealth at the end, that’s what he wanted his whole life. At the end, he was actually getting Daisy’s love back again until Tom Started being a little suspicious, but moreover she still liked him because he had money now. And knowing That she would never be with someone who had less money than her. Personally It brought me because I want to be independent, succeed, have a better future than my parents once had, and also help my parents out. Gatsby demonstrated that, that is possible he was poor once just like in my situation i'm not in the best place of shoes in my life. But I know i can do it. He set goals and pursued them and more importantly he accomplished everything until at the end of the story he got killed because Wilson shot him. He did die showing people, the audience, and his readers the American Dream. The entire book is about the american dream because not everyone in the story were rich many people picked themselves up by other working extremely hard or others by having some money. The Great Gatsby showed that no matter what social class, race, gender nationality you can still be successful in life by accomplishing what you set in mind, you just have to work hard like gatsby did. The book expressed plenty of different characters but Gatsby was the one who stood

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