
Paragraph 3-5 Orwell Analysis

Decent Essays

The victims are the burmese people and not orwell because while orwell was indeed “hated...jeered at…” and also “targeted.. as a police officer” (page1), the burmese people faced even harsher treatment than just being hated. The burmese people faced physical punishment and were even treated badly. They were “huddled in stinking cages” and even “flogged with bamboos” (page 1) which obviously shows them to be treated worse than how they treated orwell since the most they could do to him was trip him. 2. In paragraphs 3-5 Orwell is shown as searching for the elephant and discovering all the damage that the elephant has caused while on its rampage, and we see orwell eventually “sent an orderly to a friends house to borrow an elephant rifle”(page 2). After he receives this gun he is shown as socially pressured because all the burmese people expect him to “shoot the elephant” (page 3), but he doesn’t want to shoot the elephant himself. These details intensify the conflict because he originally got the rifle to defend himself, but now since all the burmese people already expect him to shoot the elephant he can’t really back down since he would be laughed at and mocked if he did. Orwell has to decide …show more content…

Orwell describes the dying elephant as “stricken shrunken, old, senile” and even says that he observed the death to be “slow” and in “agony” (page 4-5). These adjectives show that orwell did not want to shoot the elephant and even felt a great amount of pity towards the elephant. He doesn’t use adjectives that would convey a meaning of the elephant deserving the death but rather uses adjectives that one would use to describe his old grandparents showing sympathy and almost like apologizing. I felt that he was in a very difficult situation as he made the decision, but i think that his decision is an acceptable one since if he back off he would have been laughed at for a very long time and would have maybe even killed by the burmese since he showed that he wasn’t

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