
Paradox Of Horror

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In the book The Philosophy of Horror, the author Noel Carroll talks about the Paradox of Horror Fiction and argues for why the horror genre exists. The Paradox of Horror consists of three hypotheses which are: 1. Audiences do not enjoy being horrified, 2. Audiences enjoy horror fictions for its distinctive characteristic, and 3. Horror fictions distinctive characteristic is that it horrifies. Carroll, himself, denies number one and claims that audiences do enjoy being frightened and disgusted, provided that it occurs within a certain type of narrative. Carroll’s solution to his own puzzle is the best out of the three solutions as many people do enjoy being horrified or scared and the majority of the horror genre’s supporters enjoy horror fiction in a narrative setting, such as a story or movie.
Carroll’s Paradox of Horror tries to explain the question of how people can be attracted to repulsive and horrifying things. Why would people be interested in this genre and why does this genre exist? Why would someone want to be horrified or scared? In everyday life, people shun what disgusts them. Someone does not enjoy being scared or draw pleasure from, for example, smelling a trash can. However, the …show more content…

When humans are horrified and placed under duress, the hormonal reaction activated is the fight or flight response. This response was more important in the early days of our civilization as it was necessary in order to survive from dangers such as predators. Now a days, it is not needed as much for survival, but people are still drawn to the euphoria that is experienced when they are horrified or scared. The fight of flight response heightens a person’s senses, intuition, and increases their strength. Basically, the mental and physical attributes of a human are increased by the adrenaline rush and humans enjoy feeling frightened or scared in order to trigger this

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