
Papers On Chris Mccandless

Decent Essays

Into The Wild Position Paper
Chris McCandless leaves everything he knows to pursue a dream of escaping society and being one with the wild. His actions show a sense of transcendentalism and minimalism. Chris finds confidence and self reliance, he avoids all materialistic items and finds a way to live each and every moment to a new extent. He always expressed such confidence and bravery in everything he did. I don’t see his life and death as a mistake, I consider it one of the best decisions of his life.
If I had only been told about Chris McCandless by a story told by an acquaintance or friend I would assume the Chris was no one but a boy making foolish mistakes. I wouldn’t suspect any meaning or purpose behind his actions. When I actually …show more content…

Especially when a lot of people don’t actually care about there purpose, it means nothing to them. Although Chris may not of talked much about it, in a way this journey was his self finding experience. He was able to discover how self reliant, brave, committed and confident he truly is. These are all traits he consistently showed through out the book. Chris never gave up or doubted his abilities. No obstacle could get in his way of making it to Alaska where he could finally be his true self. It gave me and many readers every where an urge to accomplish my goals and any journeys I set my heart to, in a society where 'dreaming' is often miss judged as …show more content…

There was always going to be that slight chance that things were going to go wrong. Chris McCandless didn’t care about the risks because to him accomplishing his goals overpowered everything. He sets an example for everyone to always follow what they set their heart to no matter what obstacles they would have to overcome along the way. Hero Definition: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Chris is someone who expresses heroic actions, courage, noble qualities, self reliance and confidence. Chris is a hero to many people. He may have died attempting to accomplish his goals but in the end Chris was able to accomplish what he wanted to do. He escaped society and walked into the wilderness of Alaska whilst touching the life's of so many along the

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