
Paper Towns And The Necklace

Good Essays

Everyone makes mistakes, but do they make wrong choices out of selfish or selflessness? How do we know what the “right regret” is? Arthur Miller stated, “Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.” Arthur Miller was clarifying that everyone makes mistakes, however the mistakes we should regret are the ones we do out of selfishness. I whole-heartedly agree with this quote. Perfectionism is impossible, so the mistakes we make should be because we are thinking about someone else’s well-being rather than our own. Throughout the heart wrenching mystery novel, Paper Towns, by John Green and “The Necklace” a short story by Guy de Maupassant, the main characters continuously have to make decisions between loved ones and their own happiness. In Paper Towns, Margo takes Quentin on a roller coaster of decisions and choices, similarly, Mathilde in “The Necklace” is faced with the option of coming clean to her friend or going through tiring and painful years of labor. Although both Quentin and Mathilde made selfless decisions towards the end of the stories, ultimately, both characters come to regret their initial decisions. Their reasoning for specific verdicts are scattered throughout the book through literary elements. In Paper Towns, the setting sets the scene for the decisions the characters make and later regret. Jefferson Park was an element of Margo’s and Quentin’s childhood that they connected with happiness and freedom until Robert Joyner. As they stroll

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