

Good Essays

Teaching Experience: Vaccines in a Childcare Center GCU: NRS-427V Stephanie Stern June 28, 2015 Teaching Experience: Vaccines in a Childcare Center Education is one of the most important aspects of a nurse’s role with patients. This is especially true of the community health nurse. The area of primary prevention and health promotion is gaining special popularity as educational material for nurses as healthcare is shifting towards heavily focusing on prevention of diseases and preservation of health. This teaching experience featured information about vaccines that would be pertinent to teach to parents of all ages and nationalities utilizing a childcare center in Tempe, AZ. The topic presented was about relevant information …show more content…

The teaching experience was a first time experience and generated a great deal of anxiety and nervousness. The anxiety was attributed to having to give a presentation to a group of adults who I had never met before and whose viewpoints about vaccinations I was not familiar with. The childcare center was very helpful and appreciative of the offered education; the center provided a projector and projection screen for me to show the power point on. Prior to the planned teaching experience, I contacted the childcare center to ascertain a best time for parent attendance and to find out if there were any potential language barriers. The childcare center was able to help me schedule a time to best fit the parent’s schedules and informed me that there were no language barriers to which they were aware. In total about 10 parents attended the teaching experience; I had the opportunity to gather some demographic information regarding the parents prior to beginning the power point. Of the parents, the ages ranged between 24-36 years old, young to middle adult, most parents had only one child with two parents having two children, 7 of the 10 parents were employed full-time and 3 of the parents were employed part-time. All of the parents in attendance identified as non-Hispanic Caucasian Americans; the childcare

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