
Paper Chromatography Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

Chromatography is a technique used to separate mixtures of substances into their components^2. It can be used to various activities such as separating different pigment of dyes and inks all the way to analyzing DNA sequences. Chromatography works on the basis that different molecules have different polarities. By allowing molecules to travel through a polar surface, it is not surprising that molecules will different polarities will travel a different amount. The substance, or stationary phase, that the molecules will be traveling through in this experiment was water. The water was bonded to the paper via hydrogen bonding, so it appears as if the paper acts as the stationary phase^3. The mixture that we were interested in separating travels through the stationary phase via the mobile phase. The mobile phase is a liquid that travels though the stationary phase through capillary action. The mobile phase carries components of the mixture we want to separate while it travels up the stationary phase. These components travel though the stationary phase at different rates. This is due to the polarity of both the mobile phase and the stationary phase and the mixture. In the case of paper …show more content…

However far the molecules in the mixture travel up the stationary phase is dependent of how long it remains in the mobile phase. In the case of a non-polar stationary phase and a non-polar mixture, the mixture will readily dissolve in the mobile phase and will feel no attraction to the polar stationary phase, so the mixture will travel to the top of the stationary phase. In another scenario of a non-polar mobile phase and a polar mixture, the mixture will have a high attraction for the polar water molecules, so it will dissolve in the stationary phase rather then travel up the stationary phase with the mobile

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