
Pantry Quotes For Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Quote for cleaning Deep cleaning 3 areas Dinning room Kitchen Pantry area and table As well as Floors, Grout cleaning, Plus Organization of thoes areas Organization rate : $65 per hour (4 hours) = $260 Deep & Spring cleaning rate : $85 per hour (6 hours) = $510 total = $770 Services to be performed Organize Pantry. Remove all food Check lables and toss items that are expired ,stale, empty, etc Wide down all shelves Place all items back onto shelves Arrange like items together Clean organize baking & cooking cubboards Organize refrigerator & freezer Remove all the food Check labels, toss items that are expired,moldy, empty,etc Place all items back in refriderator Arrange like items together Organize storage & drawers Organize Dinning

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