
Essay on Painter's Socio-Technical Issues

Better Essays

Trident University International

Willie Bates

Module 1 Case 1

ITM 524: Foundations of Information Technology Management

Dr. Mina Richards

January 21, 2014


A socio-technical paradigm combines the social and technical paradigms, and could be described as the study of the relationships between the social and technical parts of any system (Coakes, 2002). Researchers and some managers have acknowledged that technical and social factors interact to influence organizational outcomes. Significant changes in the workplace are the result of new and advanced technology. According to F. Land, there are two sometimes conflicting set of values that underlie …show more content…

Although initially Senior Management focus was solving business related efficiency problems, their center of attention change when the Worker’s Compensation Board Senior Executive committee agreed on the Electronic Claim File system project. If the project was to succeed, its company’s three pillar approach was to be centered on its 1200 employees. At a recent SPE forum, it was determined that some 25% of select E&P projects do not meet their target goals, and that 80% of the failures were attributable to "the human factor" (Caldwell and Winkler, 2001). The core of the organizational knowledge management system is the people. This component includes all the organization's stakeholders – employees, owners, customers, suppliers and regulators/legislators. However, employees are the most significant participants. They are the key source of the intellectual capital acquired and managed by the knowledge management system (Meso, Smith (2000). Even in an age when the internet has dramatically changed the structure of commerce on so many levels; quality, talent and security of people still make all the difference. People not technology drive the success of a business. Future technology will change to meet the need of the society. A company's most valuable resource is its' employees. Corporations invest millions of dollars in attracting, compensating, educating and retaining

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