
Pain Revealed In Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

Decent Essays

Mahatma Gandhi have once said, “Nobody can hurt you without your permission.” Is this really true? I wish to qualify that statement as his statement is not entirely true. A better statement would be “Only those that you care about can hurt you” because you can’t hurt yourself unless you choose to accept the pain that your loved ones have inflicted upon you. This is shown in the book The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, in human behavior, and throughout history. In The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, the chapter “Waiting Between the Trees” explained the past of Ying-Ying St. Clair. She explained how her first marriage was a disaster, which led her to marry a white person as a second husband. In the text it says, “That is how much I came to love this man. This is how it is it is when a person joins your body …show more content…

I became a stranger to myself… It is because I had so much joy then that I came to have so much hate (247).” This quote explains that Ying-Ying St. Clair enabled her hate because of her marriage. She placed all her trust into her marriage, only to be known that her husband would leave her for an opera singer. She cared about her husband, and she became a stranger to herself. She enabled her husband to inflict pain on her, because she cared about him. Another example from the text is, “So I decided. I decided to let Saint marry me. So easy for me. I was the daughter of my father’s wife. I spoke in a trembly voice. I became pale, ill and more thin. I let myself become a wounded animal. I let the hunter come to me and turn me into a tiger ghost (251).” This

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