
Pain-Personal Narrative

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I never thought missing someone could hurt so much, but the sorrow and darkness is growing inside me, I can think straight anymore the pain is overwhelming every day It hurts more and more and It all started because of one idiotic, stupid man. I can't stop the crash playing over and over in my head as I see my parents burning alive and screaming, calling out my name louder and louder until it all just goes quiet. It feels like it was just yesterday that my whole world was torn apart, every time I see a car my mind flashes back to that day, I should have been helping them, but my mind and my body wouldn't move I was frozen, my fear was overwhelming but that was all 1 year ago and I'm still not over it. I am still struggling to even get out …show more content…

i thought about yelling and screaming at him but what would that accomplish i had to do something that would really make him think about everything that he did that night. A nurse starts to walk in and tells me that my vitals are fine and that I'm free to go home now. as i leave out the front door of the hospital i decided that i would stay around until that doctor had finished work and was going home. it's been a few hours now and i still have no sign of that doctor. i decide that i would just come back another night and started to walk off into the distance until i see him walking to his car. i decide to follow I'm home and see what he was going to do. as he approaches his house i start to think about everything that i could do to him. i needed something to pull this off and some way of not being caught by the cops. i go home to get my hatchet out of my shed and i go back to his house. i try to open the back door to his house and to my surprise its unlocked. i start moving through his house and up the stair case. i can ear footsteps in the room to my left so i slowly open the door and see him standing there. i swing my hatchet faster and faster splitting his skull open with his blood splattering all over my face. it's done i think it's all over. i turn around to leave him lying dead and i see his daughter

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