
Pacific Pioneers

Decent Essays

The journey to the Pacific Northwest was one of the most interesting and thrilling pioneer expeditions in history. Though this adventure ended up being successful there is no question that there were some moments that could have ended very horribly with multiple deaths. This was the case because there were a few times on their trip where their basic human needs just couldn’t be met. Times like this called for everyone to do anything they could to stay alive and quite often this wasn’t very pleasant. This is why when times got tough they needed to remember to make the right decisions for not just themselves but for their fellow travelers as well. These pioneers often struggled with having the right, food, water, clothing but mostly people to …show more content…

They traveled for over seven months struggling through deaths, dangers, and hardships that had them hanging on their last few strings of life. They faced things such as animals suffering from exhaustion and having to eat pretty much everything that they could find. This lasted until they reached Pierre Hole, their resting point. At prairie hole they were helped by believe it or not the “indians”. Pierre Hole was described as a “fine grassy plane among the mountains” and was where everyone nursed themselves back to health in a way. Here there was an abundance of meat that they feasted on and recouped. They got clean water and had a very social time with the “indians” learning about each other's stories and creating …show more content…

For example before leaving for their voyage they had to make sure they had the right types of clothing because a trip like this needed for much preparation and clothing was a good way to start. Some of the cloths necessary to bring with the were 2 flannel shirts with buttons 2 pairs of short stout boots for the footmen and pants that are reinforced in the saddle area for horse men. Along with their clothing needs they also had food needs. Because during their travels they frequently had food shortages they mostly just ate whatever they could find even if it often wouldn’t be considered food because the importance of staying alive trumped all

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