
PPCC Student Community Analysis

Decent Essays

Social and Cultural Groups Within PPCC
As students, we looked at the social and cultural groups at PPCC to investigate their impact on diversity in the school. We wanted to see how diversity is promoted in the social and cultural groups at school and ways the school tries to promote the groups. “Many students are concerned about finding a place where they belong, as they enter college. Colleges are seeking to foster diversity by encouraging cultural clubs" (Campus, 2015). Diversity is something that is valuable on college campuses, because it allows students to be introduced to new cultures and ideas the students may not have known previously. Our specific focus is to see what Pikes Peak Community College is doing to promote and increase diversity within the schools social and cultural clubs. Utilizing the terms in the textbook assisted us in becoming culturally competent. The terms that we decided on that commingled with our investigation came from the textbook Intercultural Competence are social identity, social context, cultural identity, high context culture, sociocultural adaptation, and tokenism (Lustig, Koester 2013).
We are a team of diverse students at Pikes Peak Community College who are in the Intercultural Communication class. We are a group of …show more content…

The groups that were able to communicate with us were Oasis, TRIO, and the American Sign Language Club. Oasis said they are able to level the playing field in the classroom because they help disabled students, first- generation students, and income needy students, along with TRIO. Without these programs at school, retention would be low. The American Sign Language Club helps hearing impaired students with hearing devices and tutors, because without the benefit of this club, hearing-impaired students would not be able to attend

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