
Oxygen Balance Lab

Decent Essays

Oxygen balance is another critical property to consider for energetic materials.
Not only does it affect a compound’s explosive or propulsive power but also determines, in part, what chemical products might be produced upon detonation or deflagration. The oxygen balance is a weight percent of how much oxygen is either in excess or lacking for an ideal combustion reaction of an energetic material. In a perfect combustion reaction, there is enough oxygen to completely react with all the hydrogen, carbon, sulfur, and metal atoms present to form H2O, CO2, SO2 and metal oxides. Based on the products from an ideal combustion reaction of an organic energetic material CaHbNcOdXeSf:
C_a H_b N_c O_d X_e S_f aCO_2+〖1/2(b-e)H〗_2 O+〖c/2N〗_2+eHX+fSO_2-(a+f+1/4(b-e-d/2)O_2 (1.3)
The oxygen balance can be calculated using the following equation: [16]
(32(a+f+1⁄4 (b-e)-d⁄2))/MW (1.4)
Where a, b, d, e, and f represent the number of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, halogen and
Sulfur atoms present respectively.
For explosives containing metals, this equation can be modified to reflect the amount of oxygen required to fully oxidize the metal atom present, an amount that varies by metal. If the oxygen balance is close to zero, then the heat of …show more content…

Among important thermal properties to consider are the melting point, if any, and the decomposition temperature of the energetic materials. Another critical property to consider is the volatility of energetic materials. If energetic materials are excessively volatile this adds undesirable instability into munitions. And finally, chemical stability in hot conditions and sensitivity to thermal shocks are important to understand as unstable materials cannot be safely

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