
Overpopulation Is Not The Cause Of World Hunger: The Green Revolution

Decent Essays

Over seven billion people live on the planet Earth. That is four billion more people on Earth today than around 57 years ago (Smith 1). Over time, humans have had many technological advancements which increased the rapid depletion of renewable and non renewable resources such as water, food, and space. This, causes scientists to believe that the more people on the earth, the more we are going to run out of our resources. Although, many believe that Earth is quickly reaching its carrying capacity from the depletion of resources, that capacity is not within reach because the Earth has enough resources to sustain a much larger population than what is prevalent today.
Many in the more developed countries, like America, are unaware that the Earth …show more content…

The Green Revolution is a time period when technology and sciences drastically improved the agriculture production rate. For example, Pause is the author of the article “Overpopulation Is Not the Main Cause of World Hunger” and his research shows that “world food production per person has increased by 30%,” (1). The technology improvements has allowed production increase. Science has let the food production that was once limited are being expanding to were it can support more and more human life. As well, during Pause’s research the Green Revolution, which is a scientific period where advancement in agriculture were made, like irrigation, improved seeds, and selective breeding to be specific (1). These improvements have allowed humans to produce crops in places that were not possible before. More on Pause’s research he found that “If you assume that we are not going to cut down any forests or make other major changes to the landscape, there are about 4.4 billion hectares. Of this, 1.4 billion, or less than a third, are actually being used to grow crops,“ (Pause 1). The Green Revolution has caused the production of resources used more efficiency. These scientific advancements has allowed us to have more land ability to produce more food on land and use less space in the process thus, the resources are able to sustain the human population plus …show more content…

Roger Smith is the author of, “Population Growth and Environmental Impacts”, and he explains how many scientists believe that the usage of natural resources is much greater than what is actually replaced (1). As well as that, “biologists believe that because of human expansion, pollution, and increasing energy consumption, a mass extinction is under way that is as serious as the one that killed the dinosaurs,” (Smith 1). This is evident all around us because if one were to take a look at a landfill plastic, styrofoam is plying up day after day. Much food is wasted and due to the lack of resources for construction companies to build in ever growing cities and most resort to receiving the natural resources from foreign places, i.e. the Amazon rainforest deforestation. It is true that human population has had a rapid increase of demand on Earths supply of resources ,however the amount of people is not causing the rapid depletion. It is the lack of proper usage and distribution of the resources. Pregnant Pause is a pro-life Organization that has a team of people researching and analyzing data to see if the their is enough on Earth to provide for everyone. The writer(s) of the article has stated the obvious conclusion that “the overwhelming majority of Americans and Europeans, the problem is not that they have too little to eat, but that they eat too much,” (Pause 1).

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