
Overcoming Obstacles

Satisfactory Essays

I never wanted to admit it before, but my biggest obstacle is to financial freedom is not the economy or inflation. The biggest obstacle to overcome financial burdens is myself. While reading through articles and starting a budget worksheet I found my spending is out of control. I need to take control of my future and stick to it. To start I needed to buckle up and get my education. I stopped going to school about 8 years ago because I couldn’t afford it anymore, well that was my excuse at least. So I worked a few odd jobs making ok money but I was always looking for the next pay day. I would put money towards bills and blow through the rest like most uneducated 21 year old single males in South Florida would do. In order to get myself away from that I enlisted in the Marine Corps, that was the best thing I ever did. After five years, I decided to go back to school but not until I took another year off to work and enjoy myself. That was a bad decision to say the least. Now I’m back to where I was eight years ago except I am older, with more bills and responsibilities. The only difference is I already paid for my education. …show more content…

I started last month by ending the worst habit; SMOKING. I always talked about it but that never helped until one night of coughing and no sleep led me to stopping. And I went on a cleaning spree. Removing everything that related to smoking. That being said, it’s been a month and $300+ saved which will end up being more than $3600 a year that will go towards real needs. That’s just the beginning of my strategy to overcome my obstacle to financial

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